It's a pity that Julie T isn't around much anymore, because her young dog was a total monster croc, way worse than Rory and it went on for...
Wonderful photos! Looks like Cornwall is *the* place to be if you have a dog.
I'm very sorry to hear about your chemo, it's just one thing after another isn't it :( I really admire your attitude and resilience. Rory is...
I'm thrilled to hear (and see!) that the meeting went so well. Paws crossed that Vizzy and Polly become great buds. You must be a whirlwind of...
I have nothing to add to all the excellent advice, I just want to say that I'm really sorry that this happened, you must be very worried. I hope...
Couldn't help thinking of you when I saw this, @JenBainbridge [MEDIA]
So it only took the presence of 3 other dogs to tire out Paul? Now you know his secret :D The video is the sweetest. I wish all shelter dogs...
I think it's @Granca's two that are the expert toy box grabbers? Maslow's in good company :D
Hi Chewie's mum, from me and Xena across the ditch in a very chilly and windy Wellington.
It's such a different way of life, I didn't realise that the Germans were like that too. In NZ shop owners can of course choose to open whenever...
Don't forget a good Bordeaux - gotta round off the trifecta! Otago pinot is just obscenely priced here, only for very special occasions, but I...
I can't remember, was Maslow selected for you by his breeder?
Ok, perspective is good, but don't let your friend invalidate your feelings. You're crossing two large countries, with two foster dogs, one of...
I know that it's early days, but it all sounds so promising for his therapy work. LOL @ the baby carrier, oh the humiliation.
That sounds s**t, no other way to put it really. I'd do what Natalie suggests and just leg it to the UK as fast as you can. You've got to figure...
OMG those photos are amazing! I can't believe that's Spain! And the goat food storage thing - Maori used to store food etc in similar buildings,...
I love it, you got a walk AND a show! Result!
Ah Emily, I'm sorry that your spin around Salamanca wasn't what you were expecting. I think most of us would encounter exactly the same thing if...
Pizzles are just the smaller ones, aren't they? I definitely had the choice between pizzles and bullies, and went for pizzles because they were...
I gave Xena pizzle sticks when she was a pup and they didn't smell. They kept her occupied for at least 20 minutes.