Xena leaves my slippers alone now, but if we're playing with her and there's a slipper lying around she'll definitely grab it and do the classic...
My thoughts exactly! You should see our station wagon when we go camping, every spare space is used AND we have a roof box! That's it, a Jazz for...
I feel for people who live with this day to day, it was stressful just reading about those symptoms.
That is all brand new information to me, amazing. I got a bee sting this summer for the first time. I was relieved to find out that I wasn't...
That's a shame about the castle, but oh well, another adventure instead! The shelter must be happy that Paul has a home lined up?
Hi Anna and welcome from me and Xena in Wellington, NZ. We have several members who foster rescues and guide dog pups, and we all love reading...
OMG Fiona, why hadn't you shared those photos before! Cuuuuuuteness overload!
Welcome from me and Xena in Wellington, NZ. Definitely do a lot of reading, I wasn't prepared for the reality of a Lab pup and it caused a very...
If I had a dollar for every time somebody asked this question :rolleyes: I do feel better now that I know that some of the most Labbiest looking...
I also can't understand people walking their dogs off-lead along roads. I don't care how well trained your dog is, it's still a dog! It could...
Oooh can't wait to hear about it! An old school friend who now lives in Brisbane is a make-up artist, does lots of print work etc. She got a...
Great news! He's getting there! We can pass other dogs when they're on the other side of the road, but I haven't been able to properly crack it...
I get the feeling that The Pig and Moo are kindred spirits...
Most dogs are still very bitey at 16 weeks, so I wouldn't worry yet. I was massively reassured by Mags @Boogie when she said that they all stop...
*most* dogs should be able to hold it all night by 16 weeks. I agree with @Granca, I would try stopping the 2am wee and see how you go. If...
The way he looks at you is just :inlove:
Come on BBC, that's clearly a Golden Retriever! It is realistic of the owners to say that they thought she wasn't due yet, or can dogs give birth...
Xena would be the worst. The. Worst. Last year OH and I were watching tv one evening, after 8pm, must have been winter because it was dark....
Sounds like a very successful first outing! I hope his recovery is progressing smoothly.
Ohmygosh that frantic butt wiggle when the penny finally dropped! Beautiful clip :heart: