I'm very relieved to hear that the foxtail is out! He must be feeling so much better. And I cannot WAIT to read about your upcoming road trip....
That was Xena's favourite thing too (until she started eating the bottles, RIP cheap entertainment). I was so surprised when I found out that...
Happy Birthday Coco! I'm sure he won't let a cheesy ear get in the way of the celebrations :D
This afternoon the chained dogs on the corner were unchained and running loose all over the neighbourhood. Somebody (not me) called animal...
The best happy ending! I can put myself in her paws and understand how terrified she must have felt. I hope your dad has learnt his lesson,...
Oh I love the little puppy dipstick tails.
I didn't realise that those grasses were called foxtail (I thought Paul caught the scent of an actual fox, thought this was going in a different...
$$ probably has something to do with it? A poorly bred Pug or Frenchie costs A LOT more to buy than a well-bred Labrador here. Not much point...
Poor Homer, it must be so distressing inside his head. I hope he feels better soon.
Oh my gosh @MF what a terrifying story. I'm glad that you were ok. Did the police find the woman? It's confusing to read about someone trying...
I know that's your normal @Harley Quinn but it must get so tiring having to live like that. I understand why there are so many Saffa expats in NZ...
Yee ha, correct! Where's my prize?
I'm commenting before looking at the comments - on the right (our right).
I'm a big fan of my Flexi retractable leash. There are lots of great tracks and walkways here that are "on lead" so they're perfect for those...
Welcome from me and Xena in Wellington, NZ. If Austin is the little chap in your avatar then he is as cute as a button!
Ok, the "good" news is that I was misinformed - it's not embedded. Yes, there's something disgusting going on with the neck, but it's not that....
I've just spoken to an inspector. The collar is embedded in its neck. When she told me that I burst into tears because this is so, so wrong....
Yeah you're right. I've just checked the animal welfare laws and I can't see how they're not breaking them. Animals are meant to have the...
That's interesting. Going from what I've read on here (zero first-hand experience here) a castration can make an already fearful dog more...
There are two 24/7 chained dogs on my corner. The SPCA are involved, local animal control are involved, but nothing's changed. You can smell the...