If I yelped with my pup he would get more excited and attack more. It doesn't always work as you would imagine. I just redirect and walk away it...
My bum exploded totally. Ging said mmmmmm that's why you've been super quiet. Never mind gave me nice tea to make it better. I feel ok now. I...
No harm in looking:rolleyes:
I'm just saying right it's just a healthy curiosity, right but looking at puppies on line at the moment I just can't believe how many breeders are...
Big hugs matey xxxx
Find you one that you can trust,. It's a well know fact that it's better to spay at certain times.
I bet he wanted kiss that lab;)
The time for a spay has to be carefully timed with the females hormone levels. I would speak to your vet.
It's been 23,here:eek:
They destroy the rude and arrogant with a shake and wag.
They are the great levellers:)
Your loss is Cretes gain maybe? What a dick you don't have picnic on a dog heavy beach unless you want uninvited guests I would have wet myself...
Hi and welcome from me and Rory
Thanks for that:) I glad it's not just Rory I'm a bit worried about him though. I'll just keep an eye on him . Hope Fred's ok xx
Is anyone elses dog really flat and down because of the heat? Rory's really not himself I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this type...
So swiftly, but I would do what you're doing and gave her thoroughly checked over. I had my dogs scanned full blood work ups and xrays when they...
Happy Birthday xxx
My vet friend says the same she never seen a bad reaction to vaccination but has seen plenty of dogs/puppies die from lack of vaccination. She...
I ate a football on my walk today so I will be pooping pink stuff for a few days. I love footballs.me and ging had a nice time but it was hot. I...
Hello and welcome from me and Rory x