Safe journey hope everything goes well. Xxx
Oh that's horrible give him a bug hug from me and enjoy your g&
People are just dicks plain and simple.
It does get better:) it just takes a while. To adjust. Sorry you lost your girl.
Well done xxx
Happy Birthday big boy xxx
Moo would have loved to have been supermodel tall like Pig. She Hated being short didn't sit well with her view of her mighty self
My lab does a spectacular sofa dismount which involves sliding of the sofa, hips splayed so that his tackle get rubbered as he get off the sofa....
I had a insane old rescue cat who used to hump my shoulder when I went to sleep. He was a big cat he used to wake me up. My oh used nearly die...
There's bound to be a cockapoo.
Trooper a long passed dog of the family worked in my aunt s shop. He hated a man who used to come in growled at him everytime everyone though the...
But Nell is a princess they don't fetch;)
When I was walking Moo she lurched and I got pulled over. I broke my collar I lay on the floor collecting myself and she got her ball and bounced...
Your dogs were wonderful :)
I love dogs like the Pig they fill your life with their crazy silliness you end up loving them madly and they you and when they've gone it's like...
One of the unexpected problems I do have with an uncastrated male is Rory's stalker. A intellectually challenged local who wants Rory to give his...
My brother was playing with Rory who was about 3,. They are having a lovely time Rory was being his usual cuddly self. My brother looks after a...
First male I had was castrated at about 9 months. He developed an auto immune disease around 5. I decided not to castrated my latest male...
A man tried to rob me on new year's day a few years ago. I was pottering round the small local park with Doug and Moo. He got very close and...
She did it fine then got bored who cares what they think you dog is wonderful.