It's horrible for them a family near here had their young adult labradoddle stolen from their garden when they were in. They never got him back...
It is a rather lovely.......carrot?:D
I just love this, so sweet. Makes me smile all that happiness.
Glad you're ok xxxx
Happy Birthday big fella xxx
Glad she's ok poor little dog. Hope you're dad's ok too he must have been as exhausted as ruby. Xxx
Yep it is normal just distract with a toy, if he goes to do it pop the toy into his mouth instead. :)
That was my first thought too thunder. Even if you can't hear it he might be able too or the atmospheric pressure sets them off too. Or he's sick...
Wow hes so cute :inlove: and clever.
We walked in the brook but gings wellies have gone back to the shop cos they leak so she couldn't come in I love when she comes in but sometimes...