I agree with 5labs. You can over-arouse your dog. He has to learn to be calm too. Get him to also do games such as find the scent which require...
Hi Carla, could you please indicate how you have trained your dog for distractions such as wild animals, scents on the wind? If your dog sees...
I agree with 5labs except I would be inclined to take a more cautious approach. I think 5 minutes is too long at the beginning. The longer the dog...
Here is a link to where I found the podcasts Bark Side of the Moon Podcast (google.com)
When there is a change in behaviour, the first person to consult is your vet. Your dog may be experiencing pain from some undiagnosed problem,...
Could you please supply an URL? I looked up the name and it is used by many sites.
Resurrecting a very old thread. Emma Parsons has published a new version of her book, entitled The New Click to Calm: Solutions for All Dogs in a...
Okay. Can you precisely explain what you two do when he tries to bite your shirts? What reward is he getting from this behaviour? And have you...
I am not sure how from your description his behaviour suggests he does not like the lead. I suspect you have noticed he is trying to bite the lead...
Hi Chris You might be interested in the trainer's pouch (1) Contact Us – The Trainer's Pouch (thetrainerspouch.com) Holds a lot of treats and...
Hi tdkjonx Buy a 10m long line. Don't take it off until you have rock solid recall. Use high-value treats to reinforce the dog when she recalls...
If they were not taking turns, then it generally means they were not playing. I would find an adult dog who did not try to dominate a puppy. That...
It's possible to blow softly. You might be surprised. Other individuals might ask you how to train using a whistle. You might not be annoying at all.
I can easily imagine a dog would like to go for a longish walk. But it is far more likely to be a leisurely one with plenty of time for smelling...
Although one would have to view you two, it sounds as if you haven't used distance to keep the dog's arousal level low. There is a chapter in...
Per day, Hank. The idea is to avoid repetitive exercise. The evidence for the rule is lacking. There is evidence re puppies less than 3 months...
5labs is correct. Use distance between your dog and the other dog, so that your dog listens to you rather than going over-threshold. If your dog...
Find a certified BAT trainer. The person will be able to explain how to attempt to desensitise and countercondition your dog. If you can't find...
Almost any shoulder bag will do. Obviously deep enough for a puppy, and a towel at the bottom. So, he can see things. And something to absorb some...
You are correct. You have probably trained a chain of behaviours that you realise is undesirable. To get the treat for jumping down, he has to...