Hi Bellebelle could you expand on this statement please? Is she growling when she takes the treats or shortly after receiving a treat? Can you...
Is there any possibility of introducing some ducks to the litter of puppies when the dogs are three weeks of age and this a weekly ongoing event?...
I definitely did not mean that there should be a number 1 dog. I don't think the idea of an alpha pack leader is helpful at all. I think all that...
You should have a place where the older dog can get away from the puppy. It is not fair on the older dog to let the annoying behaviour to continue...
Why not bury some things in the area you want her to dig in. She gets positively reinforced for digging in the preferred area. And you satisfy her...
My answer does not answer your question directly. Why not teach her to accept an electronic toothbrush or sonic variant? Cleaning can be done as a...
I have not seen any lierature on your issue. So, I am putting foward a tentative plan. All members feel free to shoot full of holes. I am happy to...
Hi Kelsey I suggest you talk to the vet and indicate what has happened and get your dog checked out re his physiology. If nothing then get a dog...
Hi Sullybear When he whines what do you do? Be precise as you can please. When you release him from down is he still whining? Or if he has to be...
Although I would like to see a video, this reads to me as if your dog is way too close to the other dogs. Increase your distance until he focuses...
Hi Guzcaster If I were you, I would seek the services of a BAT trainer
You might be interested in reading the following link. https://www.australiandoglover.com/2018/08/littermate- Do you want to link your source?...
You might be interested in reading the following link at. https://www.australiandoglover.com/2018/08/littermate-syndrome-in-dogs-fact-or.html
Interesting problem. I think noises are hard to expose to the dog because it is hard to control the decibels. If you are on a main road, for...
As you will find out from the kit socialisation is more than meeting other dogs. It's, amongst other things, having a good time with strangers...
There is a major misconception @Pepperthefoxyredlab in your thread. Your puppy was socialising all the time. It is not necessary for your puppy to...
Woody2020 Until you have a rock solid recall, you should keep your puppy on a lead or long line.
....positively reinforce your dog when she defecates.
Hi @Deboragh I am not familiar with the Canadian rules. Are you able to take your puppy out for socialisation experiences? I would not be overly...
To the extent that defecating is a positively reinforcing feeling (I would imagine it could be also negative reinforcement), then no, your dog...