BAT is a book written by Grisha Stewart. In the first edition she described LAT. In the second edition she has dropped that name, but still uses...
Sorry to read about your issue. But I think we need more detail. Could you please explain how you've been training your dog to stop doing the...
i am not an expert on Pippa's method but based on my memory of it I will give my take on your training question. At the age of your dog, there is...
I suggest you attend an obedience class in which the instructor teaches you how to teach calmness. If you are feeling confident to dive in deep,...
Although it is hard to tell from your description, it reads as if you practised a mixture of flooding and CAT. You were lucky. As you admit, you...
Teach your dog to target your palm. Once that is working, put a post it on your palm. Reinforce nose touches on post it. Then transfer the post it...
Retrieve means he will pass the object to you. And wait for you cue to fetch the object. If he is doing that for many different objects then...
I would teach Round the Cone. Encourages the dog to run in straight lines. Since you can move the cone away from the dog it provides an...
jeandecker76 Does the problem only occur if you move towards one specific direction? Was your dog frightened in the viccinity by something in the...
CB92 Please do not get disheartened. Dog training has its ups and down. Your description suggests to me that you are introducing distractions at...
Many thanks Sarah.
Hi all I have been reading lots of dog training articles and books. I have been very impressed with Jane Ardern's Mission Control: How to Train...
Can you please explain what role your dog will take in such therapy classes? Can you also indicate what you have tried when visitors come to your...
Yes, you should get the dog up rather than teaching her to cry or whine to get your attention. I work off the rule that a dog can hold her...
Hi @Vikki Roberts I would get a dog behaviourist to evaluate him and suggest a counter conditioning programme. Until then put some material on...
Hi @Pamster no apologies needed about mixed heritage. It takes more than a couple of nights to learn bladder and bowel control. Take the dog out...
Hi @ChrisandOllie You have a very young dog, in fact she is still a puppy. I think you need to understand that training will take many, many...
Hi @Liza I trust that you are letting her make choices about how far she goes out. If so, then she will probably get better as she gains more...
Hi @jessica c. My oh my are you busy. Playing with your dog is good. Building a bond is extremely important. Well done. The one downside I...
Okay. Here is the problem. Timing, and a lack of clarity about what yes actually means to the two participants. Yes can be used as an event or a...