Welcome. Your pup is adorable.
Hello. I don't know of any specific breeders but if you go to www.breeders.net type in Zip code and breed you'll get a list of breeders.
Welcome and sorry for your loss..
Aww poor puppy. I hope she's feeling better soon..
When we got Lincoln at 9 weeks we started with the 24 inch length which he quickly outgrew. Now he is 8 months @ 40 pounds & 22 inches tall and...
The weight management food most likely has more fiber (to satisfy hunger) so that will make her have to poop more. Try giving her evening meal a...
So cute...
Aww she's a beautiful pup. Looks mostly or possibly all Lab to me.
Good luck. I hope it's okay..
Try using an alarm clock. Set for a few minutes before the time he usually wakes up. Gradually extend it till you get to the time you want . Dogs...
I don't know much about it but 5 months does sound a bit early. Maybe just call the Vet first and see what they think.
We have three dogs and two cats. We've always just let it happen naturally. Our cats are pretty much okay with the dogs. Although the two little...
Welcome and Congratulations..
Yes it will get better. Fortunately for us Lincoln slept straight through the night since we got him at 9 weeks . I did the crate beside the bed...
Thank you so much.
Lincoln is 8 months old and 39 pounds.
Yes he loves to chew. We have lots of Nylabones. Being a Yorkie he has very small mouth with tiny teeth so he gets a Vet dental cleaning every year.