Tuppy, you're wrong... AGAIN! Squeaky toys tell us when they want us to play, but how are we supposed to know that when you've chewed all the...
Oh Pig, Squeaky Frog must have something wrong if he's squeaking. He must have a big pain somewhere. I would try looking for the squeaky bit if...
Let's hope the scans and blood tests have scared whatever it is away! I hope Stanley recovers quickly.
'Persistent' just about sums up Paul! They're having such fun! Wispa and Tuppence play like that, with Tuppence usually the more persistent....
I hope that the symptoms have eased and she's on the road to recovery.
That's good, even though it's such a worry. At least you must feel it's being taken seriously. Good luck, Stanley! :hug:
Poor Stanley and poor you. I hope the vet finds a solution.
Tuppy, you forgot to mention that you tried to grab a little girl’s ice cream and she dropped it. Her daddy picked it up again, though. I don’t...