Hope it’s good news today and Tilly will be able to come home.
:( That’s terrible! I hope the SPCA can take action.
I went away for a long weekend last week, so my youngest son and daughter-in-law came to dog-sit. Needless to say, I worried whether the dogs...
Let us know how you get on. I've had to ban Nylabones because Tuppence broke the tip off one of her canine teeth - fortunately with no dire...
That's very sad news. I'm sure you'll give him the best life, though, and he'll carry on as usual, unaware of the possible limitations. :hug:
And looking as if he hasn't got a care in the world except where the next walk/treat/toy is coming from! :)
Hope Tilly is better soon and that Cooper is ok.
Belated Happy Birthday, Penny! I hope you had a lovely day!
That’s good news! Hope you’re feeling better too, Jen.
Do you think we ought to source the stickers and send some to @Emily_BabbelHund ? :) Perhaps she could also change Carbon’s name to K9...
Maybe Maslow will sleep well tonight! ;) Perhaps you could now giving Leo a tug toy to see if he will play tuggy games with Maslow too.
How is Red today? I hope she’s had a good night.
:eek: And the biggest worry about dusk walks here is that there may be rabbits...! :)
Oh dear, Jen, i thought insurance was supposed to help to ease the stress, not add to it. I hope you get it sorted. It’s good to hear that...
@Emily_BabbelHund and @snowbunny : Here's what I found at the weekend, while staying with friends in Brixham: Florence was brought over from Spain...
Just catching up on Stanley and you. I hope the appointment comes through soon. :hug: It’s a shame about your holiday, but you couldn’t possibly...
The Hills ID should help to settle his tummy. I hope he recovers quickly and you’e able to have your holiday knowing that all is well, as it...
He doesn’t looks particularly short - and nothing like a chow or German shepherd! It’s lovely to hear that you’ve weathered the initial problems...
That's what you think. Tuppy