Well unfortunately, after the successful Flubenvet treatment killing a load of roundworm, I noticed the same "eggs" in a poo I initially saw and...
Ah yes, that makes sense - my wife tells me off for laughing when he is attacking. I guess that's not helping!! :rolleyes:
Aha, sorted with some fiddling! BeataK - I keep photos in Photobucket. On there is an Edit button where you can easily with on click make it...
but I do... ;)
OK, that's good as it's what I have been doing. Any ideas why it's just me? Am I seen as the fun person?
Thanks. I normally try to remove myself from the situation but it is literally like the Victorian circus lion tamer fending off a lion with a...
This is something my wife noticed yesterday. Monty, 5 months old now, will try to "attack" me in the garden. He will bring a toy up and try to...
It's a bit of a shame that the camera is ever so slightly out of focus - I remembered today that I changed it when it was initially used on a...
I thought five or six maybe?
When I post a new thread or reply, the box only shows three lines of text. Makes my long War and Peace posts quite difficult. Is there a way to...
Click here for more naked chicks!! http://youtu.be/iRIilVz9zEc
try again: https://youtu.be/MLoYo22qpso
Here's the vid that image was taken from. You see them best around 4mins.
!!!! [IMG]
This is a test (All working now, thanks Pippa)
Re: Visitors to the garden Yikes! That's my next nestbox sorted though...!
Re: Visitors to the garden How cool. It's occurred to me, I never known what a possum is nor even seen a picture of one. How big is it? EDIT - I...
Re: PLEASE VOTE: Marmite 50% of people would hate him though :(
Re: PLEASE VOTE: Marmite Marmite is the work of the Devil and I would never subject any of my animals to it.
Re: So young to be a dad! What a good looking boy! No wonder he worked his charms on the laydees!