Everyone's a "dog trainer" :rolleyes: x
Thanks everyone. I have checked and there's no bites and I thoroughly cleaned the scratches, no sign of infection but I will keep an eye on them....
Charlie and calm are never two words I would ever use in the same sentence :D Ruffle delivered and gladly received by Charlie - thank you :) xx
Welcome Angela from me, Hattie 10 years and my rescue boy Charlie 7 years. My dogs are considered seniors not according to them though :D They...
CAT :rolleyes: Walking back through the village green where the grass is taller than usual. Charlie was interested in something so the lead went...
Emily, you would never know you have been and are going through so much as you always keep smiling. Please take it easy and schedule in rest for...
Hi and welcome from Hattie 10 years and our rescue boy Charlie 7 years. I think if you are not happy with your pups health get a second opinion...
I will help you no problem. You have already had great feedback. How horrible. No don't go back as this trainer will do more damage than good....
Wow Carbon is looking so slim and trim Emily, he is trully gorgeous. I'm sure he misses his buddies but he will settle. Glad you had a good trip...
Finn is very young so there's lots of time to do your training. Start as I suggested by exchanging whatever Finn brings to you for a really good...
@MF I'm not surprised you don't want to use anything after what happened to Snowie. I think it was @Karen dog Poppy that had seizures suspected...
@MF don't you worry about the ticks you don't see? Ticks in our area can cause Lymes disease which is nasty for dogs and humans. I worry about not...
No and it's also available on Amazon :) x
Hi Pat, a dead bird is very yummy to a puppy or grown dog so the training is best started at the puppy stage. Imagine someone asking you to give...
Definitely vet visit today. Please let us know how she is. xx
Welcome @Maxedwell from me, Hattie 10 years and our rescue boy Charlie 7 years. I'm very sorry to hear you lost your beloved Buddy:( I'm sure...
Hi Carys, I use Drontal for worming and I use Effipro for ticks and fleas, it's really very reasonably priced, it also gives longer coverage then...
The worlds gone mad it really has, this is just another was of CASHING IN :mad: If I didn't have a utility room I would be washing up in the...
Great :) xx
What a terrible thing to happen to your little puppy. I will be thinking about you all xxx :hug: