Best of luck today, hope it all goes smoothly. Loving the @Beanwood photo's. It has to be said Benson is just an amazing young man, so accepting...
Tammy I can imagine you have been upset, we all would be. For now please don't take her to busy places until you have had advice from a trained...
Hi Tammy, I am sorry this has happened you must be devastated. Here is some information:-...
Ooo how horrible. Definitely a vet trip. I have just read up on this and it's not nice at all. Please let us know how she gets on. xx
Sounds like good progress Selina. As for steadiness, I am nearly always on my own when I train so what I do is sit Charlie up on my left kneel...
He had an episode on Tuesday and has been fine since then after a dose of Metacam and onlead walks. I am going to see how is goes tomorrow but if...
@MF I don't think so he seems just fine and I can't think how he would have injured his neck, he wears a back fastening harness. When he has a...
Thanks Ashley, I have reduced the amount of salmon oil by half. Good to know I'm not the only worry wart. x
Yes it's his left foreleg too. He is 7 1/2 years old so not sure what it could be, if anything, might just be a pulled muscle as he does tend to...
Ah she's not a lady all the time, I'm am fully expecting a fence jump to retrieve the leg another day. She NEVER forgets! :D:bone: x
Charlie has had a limp for a week or so but only when we have been playing or retrieving, so only on a turn that's when sometimes he whimpers then...
Thanks again Rosie, note to self, "must stop reading the internet". The oil has made such a difference to their coats. Charlie's is so shiny and...
During our walk this morning Hattie found a whole deer leg bone, she always manages to find something rotten to eat :rolleyes: Now I was heading...
That sounds like a really good start to your LAT training. I would be pleased, well done Shama and Shama's mum xx :)
Thanks Rosie that's great to have. I have found some articles that claim salmon oil is bad for dogs, it all gets very confusing :confused: x
Annual Volunteers Tea Party Hattie and I were invited to the Hospital for the Annual Volunteers Tea Party yesterday. This is an ocassion for...
That's great Fiona, thanks. I will reduce it as they do get sardines a couple of times a week, their kibble is salmon & rice, also their treats...
I have been using the above salmon oil for about 6 weeks, seeing and feeling a real difference to Hattie & Charlie's coat :) The bottle says 7...
Welcome Anna from me, Hattie 10 years and our rescue dog Charlie 7 years. What a lovely thing to do. Looking forward to hearing about your...
I'm so very sorry to hear about poor Ginger :( What a horrible situation you are in, wanting so much to pay for her treatment but unable to,...