Hi and welcome from me and my 17 week old boy Pepper. You’ll find a wealth of insight and experience here.
We looked after a friend’s Irish Terrier whilst they were on holiday, and she’d cut her paw and needed stitches. She had a sock over her paw and...
Pepper is now 17 weeks and sometimes sleeps through the night to about 07:00, but some nights wants a wee between 04:00 - 05:00.
See, I can be a good boy... Well sometimes! :) [ATTACH]
Before Pepper had his second injection we took him in a sling and carried him around, so het got used to all sorts of people, children, bikes,...
Hi and welcome from me and Pepper whose 17 weeks old. As others have said, get lots of sleep now! The site is full of great information and advice.
Pepper says yay! :tail:
Not yet but I’m sure he will in time!
He makes us laugh every day! That was the first time he’s got himself completely soaked! Alas our plan for a quiet picnic lunch on the beach...
[MEDIA] Pepper loves the beach!
Pepper’s new favourite is pig’s snout.
They really are very good aren’t they! :)
Pepper did that too at one of his first socialisation classes. We just laughed and realised it’s always the Labrador owners who seem to be...
Hi and welcome from me and Pepper who is four months old. All I would say is they do grow out of it and it’s quite normal at that age. You’ve...
I went to Play Skool this morning, it was great, lots of other doggies! There were four other Labradors, and we were all very boysterous said the...
He’s just outgrown that one, as it’s a real struggle to get it over his head. He’s now got a brown one in the same style but I think we’ll go...
Six weeks that have flown by! Loves his cuddles in the evening, although he now takes up more than half of the sofa, so tonight he’s snuggled...
Welcome to you and Lady! There’s lots of good info re posting pics here.
Here’s the condensed version of Pepper’s first six weeks with us! That time has certainly flown by, we’ve learnt a lot and he’s already created...