I discovered :poop:today and boy is it tasty!!! Horse :poop:and cow :poop:, yum yum yum! Mum went ekk! Now she won’t let me lick her :( Pepper
Play date with Percy and Pepper ended up in the garden pond! :) [ATTACH]
Welcome from me and 15 week old Pepper. As @Leanne82 says get ready for it now... sleep, eat and enjoy the feeling of your skin still being...
It was really good to see, as up until then he’d only met much older and bigger dogs. We’re going again this week so will be interesting to see...
[ATTACH] Pepper has his nails trimmed at the weekend so hopefully less scratches for Mum and Dad... [ATTACH] And his first walk on Beverley...
Hi Keith, Welcome from me and Pepper, our 15 week old fox red Lab. The forums are great and certainly help you through the trials and...
Superb!!! :):tail:
I’m just outside Beverley. I like the sound of wayuls, can you eat them? We should have a norf play date sometime! Pepper
Absolutely servants, I’m trying to remember when we’ve just done something for ourselves over the last month since Pepper arrived! Having said...
Stanley, What’s wong with living up norf as dat’s where I am? Pepper
Hello from me and Pepper who’s now 14 weeks. I can definitely recommend The Happy Puppy Handbook and also Total Recall. Lie ins are so...
Pepper slept through for the first time last night, and he’s 14 weeks old on Sunday. Other half got up twice and saw he was fast and decided...
Hi Brent and Blue from Pepper and myself. Pepper is our first lab and just over 13 weeks old and we’re starting to work our way through Total...
:cake: Happy birthday Coco! Looking very smart! :cake:
He is totally adorable and we both love him to bits! And it’s fab that everyone is watching him grow up :) It was great to see him yesterday at...
Amber - Thank you, I can do sad face very well, will start training them to say sit and see what rewards I get.
Amber, you were right, the BBQ smelled so gooooood, and I tried soosige and burger - I didn’t have much but it was very tasty, much better than...
I went to Puppy Play Skool this afternoon - oh what fun! Hooge place wif tunnels, balls, more balls and all the hoomans had treats! I made some...