Tonight he’s decided he doesn’t like his crate and wants to sleep on the sofa all night! Hmm...
I think you may be right, it’s rather nice having him next to me watching the football! We now just have to master him not jumping off, and...
We seem to have failed with the no sofa rule and it’s only day 3! [ATTACH]
Exploring the garden this morning... [ATTACH] Newly laid lawn which he has found means he can tear up the new turf!:eek:
He looks so angelic but definitely has some devil within him! And I’m already covered in scratches. It’s so funny though to see him grow in...
He slept very well last night, OH had to wake him up to take him out at 1am, 3am and 5am to do his business. This morning he’s full of beans...
Seems as though he’s too keen to explore today, is reluctant to sleep and has become less of a fan of his crate!
He did sleep eventually! I slept on the sofa next to him and he finally settled down about 12:30. I took him out at 2:30 and 4:30 and then we...
Here he is this morning! [ATTACH]
Well Pepper has finally joined us. A long day but he did really well in the car on the four hour journey home, slept most of the way. He’s been a...
It was very hard to leave him there for another two weeks!!!
[ATTACH] Here’s Pepper at seven weeks, only two more weeks till he comes home!
There’s a Forum members map, see this thread...
You should :)
They have three lovely fox red bitches, youngest is one, eldest is five, all equally gorgeous! We had a fab time meeting them all whilst the...
Not chosen yet, other than it will be a boy. We’re going back in three weeks to choose with the help of the breeder who knows what we’re looking...
They are four and a half weeks old.
They were all so cute, and had great fun chewing my fingers!