That's rotten luck - both with problems. Our BJ was the same, with the lip licking and ears back prior to a seizure, it was one of his clear...
Happy birthday sweet girl. Gosh, she sounds SO much like Molly :)
I wash their bowls after every meal, they have wet and dry food so the bowls would become yukky if they weren't washed after the meal. What I...
What a great thing to read before going off to work in the morning. Made my day - and good for you x
Basically, in answer to the question in your first sentence, YES. All my dogs have been like this, though some more than others. Our most...
Happy, loving dog greatness - sounds good to me :D
What a wonder she is. These dogs never cease to amaze us do they? I'm convinced they are more aware and sensitive to things than we will ever...
You're all very kind and a damn sight wiser than me. You are quite right about the 'enough' signals Beanwood. It's actually Molly who doesn't...
Thanks for your replies. I've been foolish really - should have known better, having also been a 2 dog owner for years, but I really didn't...
Thank you Boogie, that is a very interesting video. It looks like bitey face with manners though compared to the totally manic whirling dervish...
Thanks for your replies. I have started to intervene mandyb. Perhaps foolishly I let it go on too long before I noticed the yelps were...
Thanks, your advice and experience is very much appreciated.
Thank you snowbunny. I do hope it doesn't come to that. I will certainly start to separate them. LMS - ?
Both Sam and Molly are coming up to 2, on 13th and 15th April respectively. We've had Molly (by choice) since she was 12 weeks old. Sam...
Well, as far as I can see, you both did the right thing. You say Hattie is 'cool as a cucumber' so you could walk on as you did with no worries....
I have a Peugeot 206 estate - smallest estate I could find with a dog guard I had the dealer fit when I bought the car. Both dogs fit comfortably...
Molly is a determined kisser at any time. Sam a serious wagger but a kiss is always welcomed. Both get a hug and whatever they seem to want,...
Oh my goodness. I don't know how I've missed this thread. That is a monstrous injury and what a dreadful accident. It's certainly made me change...
Thinking of you and dear little Moo, bless her. Not easy times x
I love reading your updates selina27. You are doing SO much with Cassie, really good stuff. I wish I could do half as much with Molly. So...