Hi Bailey and welcome to the forum from me and my pup Isla. We gave Isla yak chews and antler to chew. She also destroyed any toys so we now take...
Hi there, it's really difficult at first when you get your puppy. I think the sleep deprivation affects everything else, including how you feel...
Hi what your describing is so normal and typical of puppies I'm afraid but it will get better and quite quickly. Our pup was the same and we...
Hi i agree with@Jo Laurens. Our pup has recently displayed the behaviours that yours is doing. She also had barked at noises from quite young....
Hi and welcome from me and my chocolate lab Isla. The picture of your girl reminds me very much of our Isla when we first got her,beautiful, and...
Hi and welcome from me and my chocolate lab Isla. How exciting for you, you'll find lots of good advice on this forum.
Ah i feel your pain! Isla was the same and started barking at everything from about 5 months old. We tried ignoring her,didn't work then we put...
Hi, I am so sorry for the loss of your lovely boy Bear. It is still very recent for you and so understandable that your feeling so devastated. We...
Hi and I'm so sorry to hear of all the problems with your boy. My father in law has a spaniel and he lost an eye at age 2 years. We were all...
Hi and welcome from me and my choc lab Isla. I love the name Boomer. How has your older lab Charlie taken to the new pup?
Hi and welcome from me and my choc lab Isla
Hi dawn our pup did the same, we put her on a long line and if she started to dig we reeled her in and distracted her with a toy. She's 18 months...