Hi and welcome from me and my chocolate lab Isla
Hi my girl,who is now 21 months has done this since she was a puppy. I have tried everything to no avail. I now find it best to wait and let her...
Hi my girl is now 21 months old and i completely agree with both you and Heroes mum. Sometimes we are steaming ahead trying to teach Isla so much...
Hi, it was so good to read all about your lovely boy and what great positives in your post. Hero sounds like he is maturing beautifully. They are...
Hi pleased to hear your having a better time. We fill Isla's Kong with her kibble and fat free bio yoghurt or banana, it's not too messy. You can...
Hi, that must have been a difficult decision to make but very honest. He will find another home quickly as he's so young. Thinking of you all.
Hi there, I don't know how anyone would manage all that! It hard work and a huge commitment. It will get better, but not just yet. If you really...
Hi, it really helps once you can leave them for a bit. I did it quite slowly, going round the block for 5 mins, then 10 until I'd built up to an...
Hi,our girl had her first season at 11 months and then it was another 9 months until her second season started
Hi, I certainly felt anxious and tearful for a few months when my girl was a young puppy and i had really wanted and planned for her! I think a...
Hi there, Parker sounds just like our girl was as a young pup! I think it is perfectly normal for some puppies, some are just far more full of...
Hi, it sounds like you are doing a great job with your new puppy. Have you tried giving him a filled frozen kong, antlers chew , yak chew or...
Hi,yes we have tried that with Isla. She barks until we open the door,then if it's someone she knows she will pick up her toy and it's the...
Hi and welcome from myself and my choc lab Isla 20 months. How lovely to have one of each colour
Hi,the week before clocks change we shift our dogs feeding time by 15 mins early or late for 4 days to gently move her feeds in line with the new time
Oh wow,really well thought out,good planning. I love the sound of full on grotto,what a great idea. I may pinch it myself! Isla was frightened of...
Oh how frightening! I hope Toby has no more of those.
Hi,I'm wondering if it may be walking her on pavements as I'm having to do that at the moment as she's in season. I'm going to try antiseptic...