Hi Christina,thank you for that,i read that link and I'm wondering if it's an allergy or maybe to many pavement walks. Isla is in season so I am...
Hi can anyone help, Isla had a sore,red wound on her back right paw pad. She was worrying at the paw consistently one day and when i investigated...
Hi J.D Isla is exactly the same as Toby and I am trying the same things that you are! She is really manic and beside herself, I'm not sure what...
Hi and welcome from me and my choc lab Isla. I completely agree with you, our labs are wonderful
Hi and welcome from me and my 19 month old choc lab Isla. We lost our beloved black lab and felt the same as you did, our home felt so quiet and...
Hi our friends got a soft enclosed carrier that zips up to bring their puppy home from pets at home. I would worry that pup might climb out of...
Ooh make the most of it! I can't answer your question I'm afraid as my girl is too excited to have cuddles, even now still at 19 months. She does...
Hi Christine and Charlie and welcome to the forum from me and my chocolate lab Isla who is 20 months
Hi and welcome to you all! I have a chocolate lab called Isla who is 20 months. This forum is great.
Hi and welcome, i completely agree with edp, your pup was part of a pack for the first weeks of her life and then suddenly taken away to a strange...
Hi,Maggie sounds like she is coping well. I don't know much about the laparoscopic spey and when i asked my vet for her opinion on what was best...
Hi, I completely agree with you, research everything you can about the breed. Particularly read the puppy forum posts on here to get an idea of...
Hi, I agree completely. We would rather not put Isla through an operation but she seems so restless and unhappy while in season and also we are...
Hi, I know what you mean, Isla is miserable and the only reason we let her have a second season is because our trainer recommended we wait for her...
Hi there, so lovely to hear of your progress and news with Luna. She typically still sounds a lot like Isla! Who also walks nicely on lead but is...
Hi and welcome from me and my 19 month old choc lab Isla. You've lots of fun ahead and I live her name
Hi just had to reply to say it's very normal. Our Isla was and still is to a degree exactly the same. She loves to train, but in between when the...
Hi and welcome from me and my choc lab Isla. How exciting, a new puppy, good luck
Hi and welcome, your boy is so cute!
Hi, well done you! Pies is obviously one chilled out boy! Isla is happier now we leave her crate door open when we're out and she can play in...