Hi, we started to leave the crate door open at night when Isla was 9 months. She had always slept well in her crate but it was very warm weather...
Brilliant news! Well done Toby,and you! :tail::clap:
Hi Sooky la la and welcome to you and Daphne, have you tried ignoring Daphne for 10 minutes's before you go out and after your return. Our girl...
Hi Leigh,sorry to hear Kyko has separation anxiety too. We also have a camera to watch Isla and she lays down by the front door waiting for us...
Hi Sian, i completely agree. Isla is our 2lab and 4th dog but she is by far the most challenging of all and the only one to have anxiety issues. I...
Hi,yes your girl sounds exactly like Isla, at first i thought she was just nosy but,she does the same,stops and watches people getting in their...
Hi,pleased to hear your pup is feeling much better. It is a worry when they are not themselves. I don't like to risk anything and will take Isla...
Hi Leigh,at last someone else has heard of limber tail! We wondered if Isla had it,her tail goes out about 20cm from her body,then seems to kink...
Hi J.D, yes i can understand why that could be embarrassing. They are funny aren't they these lab pups! I've tried LAT training with Isla and she...
Hi Leigh, it's very strange isn't it. Isla seems to be more anxious when she's on the lead. Today whilst out on lead it was a discarded burger...
Thinking and praying for you for Friday
Hi there, I hope Lola is now well and that you've had no more sickness. Maybe she ate something, our Isla is sick if she chews a bit off one of...
Hi J.D, Isla is exactly the same, she backs off if anyone reaches out to touch her, and barks at strangers coming to the house or any noise...
Hi Giselle, I can imagine that they encourage each other to get up to mischief! I know that Isla certainly would and she's a handful all by...
Hi ,i don't have any answers I'm afraid but thought I'd post to tell you about my girl. Isla did exactly the same from the first early walks,she...
Hi Teide and Pies It's wonderful isn't it,even through the difficult times. I have enjoyed following your posts and am so pleased that everything...
Hi, I am so sorry to hear your boy is so poorly. It breaks your heart. I will pray for Louie and sending love to you
Hi to you and Maggie from me and Isla, 18 month old choc lab
Hi Giselle, bubba and pepper and welcome to the forum from me and my 18 month choc lab Isla. You are brave having a new puppy with an 18 month...
Hi, I am afraid I don't know the answer to your question, but I would say he's the gorgeous one!! :)