Hi and welcome from me and 18 month Isla. How exciting. Have fun
Hi Jennifer and poppy, welcome from me and my18 month old choc lab Isla
Oh he's very yummy :)
Hi there, my girl was like that, we couldn't even play with her as she got over excited and bit hard. I know it's difficult but everytime Isla bit...
Hi Teide and Pies, you sound like you are all doing really well (apart from the tiredness!) Isla is a work in progress! Lol. She is a darling but...
Hi Teide,how did it all go picking up your boy? I was very excited to pick up Isla and I had a lab before so I thought I knew what to expect! Boy...
Hi Sarah and Mollie and welcome to the forum. I have found it so helpful in here, I have an 18 month old choc lab called Isla
Hi, I have really enjoyed reading your posts about Dexter, mainly as it encourages me to believe I'm not a complete failure! Our Isla sounds...
Aww he is a lucky fella! Just like our girl,lol. Don't know if your going to but we were told to cover the crate with a blanket as this would...
Hi,i completely understand. My pup was awful,we couldn't even play with her as she would bite us really hard, we had wanted her so much but felt...
Hi and welcome from me and Isla my choc lab,18 months. How exciting,it's brilliant having a puppy but exhausting,try to catch up with sleep when...
Hi and welcome from me and my 18 month old choc lab Isla. You are definitely doing the right thing with researching and coming to this forum for...
Hi and welcome, that certainly describes my Isla!
Hi and welcome back. I look forward to reading your posts about your new addition with interest. We planned to get another pup when our girl was...
Hi and welcome from me and my choc lab Isla. We also lost our previous black lab at 13 years and 3 months later we chose Isla. It was a bit of a...
Hi, Isla is 18 months old and a little pickle! She certainly has been a challenge at times but we love her to bits
Hi, I am so so sorry for the loss of your lovely Bella. Nothing anyone can say will lesson the pain your feeling now,I know as we lost our...
Hi and welcome to you all. I have a chocolate lab Isla, 18 months she a bundle of trouble!
By the way, your pup he's gorgeous
Hi, hang on in there, it really does get sooo much better. So many people on here, myself included, were reduced to a withering wreck in the early...