Two years? My goodness, how time flies. Sending hugs. She'll always be with you, in your heart. :heart:
Oh gosh, how awful. Sending hugs and prayers your way. It will be a long couple of days, I am sure. Ugh. These Labs and their food obsession....
Only in Garfield's mind....:p Come to think of it, maybe HE was The Master..... (or is...I forget, is he still with you? Hard to keep track of...
Glad to hear Stanley is on the mend! Onwards and upwards!
Yeesh! Scary for sure! I had an interesting sighting the other day - a lynx crossed the highway when I was driving home from the city. I’ve never...
Wow, good for you, Emily, but sorry you had to go through a dust up over little Paul. Those kinds of things are never fun. Looking forward to...
Poor Stanley and poor you! Really hope Stanley improves enough for you to go away, Jen. You definitely need a break!
They are both so cute. :):chuckle:
Aww he is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It will be a great boost to those who are feeling like the puppy stage will never...
Quick update on the pooch- he did well at the kennel and has been taking his antibiotics with no issue. Here’s a pic of his nose today: [ATTACH]...
Goodness poor Luna (and you!). So scary! Glad all is well now!
Technically, yes, to definitely diagnose they should do a test. But the vet has seen lots of this and going by experience this was his best...
Just got back from vet’s. He doesn’t think it is a wart as it is too flat. He is thinking it is a staph infection, similar to what he had before...
Haven't gone yet. His appointment is later this afternoon...
So I noticed a raw area on Simba’s lip the other day - I thought he had scraped it somehow. But taking a closer look today I don’t think so. It...
Poor much longer is he with you?
My goodness the poor girl. Hope you get to the bottom of it soon!
Hugs from here. The tiny girl leaves a big hole behind. :(