No, it's much too late now. Dew claws are normally removed when a pup is just a few days old and then only if the breeder decides to have it...
Puppies vary a lot in size. Lucan was a very small puppy. I remember taking him to the vet for his first jab and there was a Lab x Springer pup of...
Could be you're slightly overfeeding her, or her little tummy can't cope with the amount of food in each meal. How many times are you feeding her?...
I too would be contacting the vet now!
Hope the vet visit goes well and the lump is nothing to worry about. Let us know how you get on.
She's lovely. Hope the home check goes well.
Ouch! Hope you're ok. Take it easy, and do go for a check up if it's not improving. Owning a dog is a dangerous hobby!
Welcome home Dilly.
Hi and welcome from me and my two.
Hi and welcome.
Good luck.
Sorry the pictures aren't showing for me. Hopefully if he's passed all of the obstruction he'll soon be feeling a lot better, the worry is if...
Hi and welcome. Is she vomiting or regurgitating? Vomiting will have lots of heaving first, regurgitating, food is ejected with no effort...
Personally I'd get his elbows scored at the same time too. Welcome to the forum. :)
Beware buying cheap vetbed some can become very thin once washed a few times. I would recommend I've pieces of their vetbed...
Hi and welcome from me and my two. Oh I remember those sleepless nights well! Good luck.
Sorry no experience here but I really hope the dog is ok. Have your in laws reported this to their vet?