The oldies are the best! Welcome from me and my two.
Hi and welcome from me and my two.
I hope it's gone well?
She's become a teenager! Most will go through this phase when hormones are rampant and the ears go deaf. Go back to basics with the training,...
Don't worry, your pup is completely normal. They're all different and grow at different rates. Ash stopped growing in height at 7mths, just filled...
My dogs have always travelled in a cage in the boot of the car. Most have been fine but my eldest Lab Lucan was a nightmare for being travel sick...
Welcome Lincoln! He looks gorgeous.
So sorry for your loss. x
I can imagine how gutted you all feel. I have no personal experience but have heard of this condition. I believe if left untreated there is a...
So sorry for your loss Candy. x
What a gorgeous pup!
May help the vet if you can video the limp when it occurs. Good luck.
Yes mine has been doing it too, I'm using Microsoft Edge.
Hi and welcome, from me and my two.
TBH I wouldn't worry too much, 40 yrs ago there was no such thing as puppy specific food. My latest pup never had puppy food, he was bought up on...
Currently there is a 7yr age gap between my two but it's usually 3 -4 yrs. I've normally had different breeds together, this being the first time...
Hi and welcome. :)
Hi and welcome from me and my two. I think the only way to guess at the final size of your dog is by looking at it's parents and even that is no...
Sorry I don't have any experience, but hoping for the very best x-ray results tomorrow. Please let us know how you get on. Welcome to the forum...