Hi Marley! So a really good skill for training a puppy is teaching a calm behaviour, combined with a bit of boundary work. This sort of training...
Hi @Thirteen definitely sounds unusual, and probably a bit uncomfortable for your dog. Any change in behaviour or health shouldn't really be...
Sorry give me a minute and I will reply! Bit tied up with dog stuff right now! :)
I would maybe think of training from a different perspective.:) Instead of training things to do...sit, stay etc...have a think about training...
Please, please don't feel regret, it wasn't your fault. If there was a fair amount of evidence to suggest this was warranted..bleeding gums,...
Simply heartbroken for you, such a tragedy. Thoughts are with you at such a devastating time. You did everything you possibly could for Blake, he...
Deeply sorry for your loss. He looks very gentle in your photos, a very sweet old face :hug:
Few things to consider here. Is this the only time your dog growls? Or are there other scenarios where he may growl. Then is this a relatively new...
Dear Candy, first condolences for your loss, so deeply sorry to hear of your sad news. I am so pleased however, you have such a strong local...
The thing I have found, now just my personal observations, is some dogs seem more highly sexed than others, just seems a fact. At certain times,...
Great advice from @Michael A Brooks. Worth noting that lots of struggle with exuberant labradors!:) It is difficult because when we make a...
Take him to the vet. They have specialist dressings to help promote healing whilst keeping the wound clean and free from infection. They will also...
Hi @Kathy and welcome to the forum! Do let us know how you are getting on with Ozzie right now. Oh we are a nosy bunch too and love photos! :)
So glad you are getting some support from a different vet :hug:
I am not sure in this case. It sounds like your older lab's behaviour is indeed linked to that of the puppy, however, I wouldn't rule out other...
I am so sorry, a very difficult day for you. My thoughts are with you xx
I have not heard this either, I guess most bones are hard enough as it is, although a chicken carcass I guess would be much softer, likewise,...
Oh, I am so sorry, but try not to worry, I know this sounds impossible right now. A CT scan will give a much more in-depth view of what is...
Ahh! Do you have Philipstown dog? Did you get her from the breeder in Ireland then...sorry have a HUGE soft spot for their dogs :)
Hi @Sherrille I am so sorry to hear your Great Dane is so poorly. I really can't advise in this situation. Probably best to give your vet a call....