I am very leery of giving bones, that's not to say I don't but I am very careful. I get meaty ribs, from the butcher and occasionally feed them...
Sounds very much like limber tail. Fairly common, and quite uncomfortable for our dogs! :)
:D:D No problem!
Hi there! Welcome to the forum the Beanwood Gang. :)
Just to add, if you are stuck in these situations, and are struggling to get a bit of distance, try not to get your puppy to sit...actually...
The breeder and vet are both right (ish) :) However.... Adult dog food tends to have higher ratios of phosphorus and calcium, these minerals are...
@honey148, yes I do understand what you mean regarding breeding and behaviour. What I have trouble in understanding is why you are in such a...
The right time to mate varies with each bitch. If her behaviour has changed now then (hopefully) she is not pregnant. I say "hopefully" she is...
Hi @Bill R , I have created a separate thread and tweaked your title. Welcome to the forum! :) Just trying to get a handle on your situation, am...
Yes, I see your point :). Actually I would replace the word "fun" with "motivation". Play motivates my dog Benson enough to respond to a cue,...
I have an older dog around the same age. While it's hot, I just don't take him out. He has a stroll off lead if he wants too and very early, and...
Agree with @Michael A Brooks, use something other than your hand. Benson started to lick my hand when we started handtouch. So I grabbed a...
I agree, have a chat with your vet. It could be he is just a little unsettled by something or is a bit uncomfortable. Older dogs are rather stoic,...
I would work on boundary training ASAP, rewarding her for going to a designated area, such as a dog bed, AND for being calm and disengaged when...
welcome from the Beanwood gang, Benson, Casper and our very own Bramble! :)
I agree with @Mjd7568, reduce the amounts a little each meal. As you are still switching over, see how he goes when he is fully transitioned on...
hmmm...so she has woken you up at 4.30am, initially for a wee, then finds it difficult to settle again, it also starts to light about the same...
We don't really have a set routine, which actually I like, although most days start very early with all three having a romp together in the...
Personally, I would. Saying that I wouldn't "mark" the behaviour, instead opting for placing a treat between the paws, this serves two purposes,...
Hi @Stefanie, It is very difficult to tell by looking at puppies what they will turn out like. Looking at the dam and sire will give you a...