Hi @Swestpup, oh you get to train with them! How exciting! Looks like you have got great results too :)
Gosh, how stressful! Poor you... I do wonder if he ingested a small number of toxic algae, enough to lower his seizure threshold, especially...
One fact regarding dogs and limping, it can be a bit tricky to isolate the primary cause, especially if it appears that other limbs are also...
It is obvious that Tammy has taken this unfortunate incident very seriously. The fact that the responsibility always lies with the dog owner isn't...
Ginny you looked so happy! I see you are still sporting the Beanwood bandana...the gang say hi! :hug::hi::doug:
If the breeding is thoughtful, and they working with good temperaments, I think the puppies from a good dual purpose dog x show line dog would be...
Sigh...your photos are wonderful, and you are very lucky with the weather! :)
Yes, just 20mins down the road, and pretty sure they will be popping by every now and then....:)
Yes I saw this today, when the couple who came to meet Paul also brought along their lovely border collie. I don't see many that are as calm as...
Oh, Swampdonkey my thoughts are with you. I do hope you can get a more positive response on a new chemo regime. xx
The meet and greet went well, they really are a lovely couple, they brought along their charming border collie Polly, who at first was a bit...
I am sure they will! They are a lovely couple, of course as long as all goes way today :) Well, I have to confess to now being a "Bod convert"...
Just to say a rather tired @Emily_BabbelHund has arrived all safe and sound. We have had loads of fun, although the cottage has felt a little...
God that sounds awful! Straight back to the vet...ughh!!!!!
I am struggling to find any decent evidence for the use of Nutracalm. Whilst there is some anecdotal evidence, the purported mode of action...
hmmm.... think I will switch the brand we use to cold pressed when we reorder.
Well I don't quite know what to do with you when you arrive...do I march you upstairs and pop you to bed with chicken soup, whilst we wrestle with...
I am so sorry, it doesn't sound very good I am afraid. In this case I would suspect something sinister especially combined with neurological...
Oh, I am not very good with things like this...I think I made some early boobs along the way! :D I think I would be giving a toy to distract...
What a good boy! But heck..your gentle jogs, smelling the flowers along the way (add the sound of music piping gently in the background...) are...