Are you able to speak to the people opposite to explain the situation? Also, is a good daycare a possibility for them? I know it is expensive...
Mine barks out of excitement or frustration, but as he has matured (and he is still only young at nearly 1 year old) it has decreased a fair bit....
I'm sorry that you are dealing with this. It sounds like a stressful situation. The first thought that comes to my mind is that it is worth...
Ah ha! It never occurred to me to look somewhere like Anaconda. Thanks Michael.
Maybe it is worth considering giving yourself a couple of days away from the dog if possible? Can she be boarded somewhere for a couple of days so...
My boy (show lines) is fairly small- 23kg at 11 months. Compared to some of the monster labs you see around he looks teeny tiny, and very baby...
I think start really small- smaller than you think. Treat him for one step with a loose lead. Then two, then three, then maybe 5 seconds etc etc....
Yes, I think with a young dog you won't have too many problems. You will be there, and more likely than not that will make them feel secure....
We have a single dog household (my first) so I'm not in a position to comment on that BUT the puppy blues get so much better. I used to cry all...
Rotisserie chicken is Chewie's absolute favourite. The smell, the crispy skin... Luckily you can buy them pretty cheaply from the supermarket...
You can hose it, and that does fix it as long as it is not really hot and humid. It would probably be fine in Tassie. We have turf with pretty...
We have synthetic turf in our backyard. It is fairly small so real grass wouldn't last long! I have tried dilute white vinegar, which seems to...
Your pup is very cute, and obviously rather smart! As others have said, mismarks in Labs tend to be a white spot rather than tricolour markings,...
Glad to hear Yalom is feeling better. :)
@LoopyLuna, we tried one of those waterproof mats and they are so noisy! It doesn't work well for us because Chewie sleeps in our bedroom and does...
I bought a piece of ProFleece cut to the size of our crate, mostly because I'm lazy! I don't really know anything about the different brands- this...
Yup, Chewie enjoys humping his bed and sometimes bites holes in the covers when he gets... over excited in the process. The great thing about vet...
We had the same issue and now use vet bed. It had been a month or so and it is still intact. He also just seems less interesled in it than he was...
We used to have a pot of kibble nearby and treat for quiet behaviour when cooking and eating. There was a lot of handwashing involved! Now that...
It would definitely be down to doubling his food. We used to feed Ivory Coat, and is a good food. We changed to Meals for Mutts because we like...