Poor Lucius. I hope he is better soon. My only thoughts are to try to keep his fluids up as much as you can. You could try ice as well as small...
We have lots of off leash areas in my suburb- because our local council is quite dog friendly. All parks are off lead parks except for...
Accidental double post. Whoops.
Don't think of using a high value treat as bribery, think of it as swapping. If it was down to safety I would rather do that than try to pry the...
On the issue of anxiety: I have anxiety issues myself and when we were researching getting a puppy I actually expected the puppy to make my...
This is Chewie with a spiderweb on his muzzle because he is very nosey and likes looking through fences! He is from show lines. I think he has a...
Our approach was a little different in that we have gated off the kitchen, but Chewie can sit on the other side of the gate and watch us. I used...
I'm no expert like the two posters above me, but I do have an 8.5 month old and I can confirm that their energy levels do increase at this age....
We had a treat pouch with us while we ate and we would quietly drop kibble (his dinner) without making eye contact or acknowledging him for a...
Well done to both of you!
We are now 8 months old. Oh my. In some ways he is so much better and in other ways he is more difficult. The good: No barking at mealtimes. No...
In my experience dogs are often wary of pools to begin with because they perceive it as a hole. My puppy was cautious even with puddles to begin...
She probably doesn't want the walk to end! I think you need to make coming home/to the green a really fun thing. You could try playing a favourite...
I have a walkies belt with a treat pouch and carabiner. Very non-stylish, but helps so much with keeping my hands free so I can click and treat...
Glad to hear it's going well! You sound like a very dedicated trainer. :) Speaking of "dog crazy" and "controlling," my in-laws were house/dog...
It is lovely isn't it? Chewie is always so infectiously happy in the morning that even my OH who is really not a morning person is happy to see...
Regarding the possible toileting confusion, I wouldn't worry as your puppy will only associate the treat with what happened immediately before....
Chewie alternates. You know he is finished because he tries to get away from the poo as quickly as possible- like he doesn't know how that...
My Chewie is 18.5kg at 7 months. Still my little boy.:D He looks tiny compared to some of the monster puppies we see around. Not lacking in...
There are probably 2 separate issues, both of which we are working on as well. My pup starts to wake up with the sun and whines a little in his...