Just a bit of good news for all you new puppy parents. I remember posting on here when my gorgeous Chewie would bark and bark at us during our...
More good news! Our persistence at dinner time is paying off. Chewie stares at us for a little while then wanders off to his bed and lies down...
It is difficult isnt it? It really does vary quite a lot between pups and different types of food and I'm no expert. My vet suggested starting out...
Our first step will probably be telling him to go "in your crate" but leaving the door ajar and hoping that he sleeps in there for most of the...
There's really not enough to go on. Basically the possible bone abnormality and joint effusion can be caused by a wide range of things. I would...
Ours is currently in a crate in our bedroom. We are thinking about decrating at night (is this a terrible idea at 7-8 months?) with the bedroom...
Hello and welcome! We have fireworks every weekend (the joys of living near Sydney harbor?!). They aren't that close but we can definitely hear...
We have just finished our Manners classes. Chewie has come a long way with his "stays" and can now stay when you briefly leave the room and when...
Thanks for the tip. I havent found the anco root chews here (Australia. Probably due to quarantine) but you can buy this stick. I will definitely...
We have had to remove an armchair twice since the first time he ripped the cloth at the bottom, and now he likes munching the arm... it is still...
I hold the treat in my closed fist and open it when his mouth is closed, with my palm up and the treat on my palm. He then scoops it up, rather...
Chewie is 7 months old tomorrow. He has never been bathed. When we got him he just smelled like a dog, and to me even now he just has a pleasantly...
It certainly it true that people don't seem to respect the need for space while you are training, and I can only imagine how frustrating that must...
Yup, I know they're cute but really... would it kill people to ask what's acceptable? @Michael A Brooks, maybe I will look into that, or an "in...
What a great idea. We need to find some preoccupied people to train near, since everyone always wants to pat Chewie, despite us clearly not...
I totally agree with Michael, don't beat yourself up about it or worry about it. The baby gate is a great idea. We also have stairs and a puppy...
It does sound like you are doing a great job. Please make sure you get a little time for yourself, to read, have a meal in peace or whatever you...
I haven't used either, but from what I hear Black Hawk is a pretty good food and a few people I know feed it. I would probably try to transition...
Chewie does this. I think when we are snuggling it's an affectionate nibble. When he is standing there with his tail wagging a certain way it's...
@Saffy/isla, I should probably add, more specifically that we train all the usual stuff like sit, stay, down, shake, high 5, leave it and...