Re: Hi from Somerset Another big step in a little dog's life - just had here second jabs and been micro chipped so not long before we can start...
Re: Thirteen years is too short.......... My word, that's a good age! There is nothing anybody can say to prepare one for this awful event. Why...
This is Hobie. He left us last April but we're still very raw at losing him, tears always near the surface. He gave us thirteen wonderful years of...
I keep hearing about "cage training". What exactly is it and what are the benefits and why do you need it? Mella is very happy in her little bed...
Re: Old dog and new puppy Hope you don't mind my suggestion.......... I have always used TinyPic hosting to upload/post images (edited by Pippa...
Re: What time do you feed your dogs? Mella still very young at nine weeks gets 3 X 50g Royal Canin Puppy a day, usually when we get up, 7am,...
Re: Teenage dirtbag? We are nowhere near that stage yet with Mella but we already leave her alone for the odd hour or so, and she just curls up...
Re: New puppy If possible, take some of what will be her/his bedding up to the place your are getting the pup from so that it will take on the...
Re: The famous Cheddar Caves! Come on over Lisa, make sure you let me know when you're coming and we could meet in the cave! ;) Mind you, you...
Re: Hi from Michigan USA - senior lab What a lovely old fella! Well done for taking him on, hope you have many years companionship! 8)
Re: New Puppy doing well... Ha! Ha! Stupid surgery for having such an attractive "toy" available! ;D
Re: Avatar again! I have actually managed to sort it out folks, but not very "user friendly" just saying "too big or not an avatar"! Mind you, it...
Why can't I upload an avatar? I am a member of several forums and have one on all of them but this forum just won't let me upload - always "too...
Re: The famous Cheddar Caves! What can I say - amongst the largest caves in the country, Gough's cave is 1/2Km deep, home of the Cheddar Man...
Yep, we love dogs at Cheddar Caves in Cheddar (would you believe) in Somerset, and they are welcome everywhere, even in the caves (as long as they...
Re: Hi from Somerset Oh yes, she is already weedling her way into out hearts, she's a real little honey, which incidentally is why she's called...
Re: Hello and please say "hi" to Benson! Beautiful boy! We've got a Benson here, somewhat older, often see him walking round the res!
Re: Hello new furbaby owner here As possibly the newest member, welcome from me and Mella down yer in soggy Zomerzet, but where are the pictures,...
Re: Hi from Somerset Thank you all so much for the lovely welcome. Feel quite at home already and I warn you, I love pictures but don't see many...
Re: STOP BITING! Thanks folks. Should have looked a bit closer!