Elderberries seem like a no no then. I thought I'd make some wine for the time with the Elderberries but found out it takes a year!!!
Why do you think I feed him on time????
I have noticed lots of Blackberries in the back garden which are obviously good for us in pies bla bla. I noticed today lots of Elderberries as...
Please don't forget there are three other human males in the house (two of which are men) that can barely do up there shoelaces it would seem....
Damn you've spoiled thing now!!!!
Outside trying to clear some rubbish when I hear a soft thud!!! I go inside to find a horizontal bin which for some reason had a wagging tail!!!...
Hi all from going to be very sunny South Wales.We have rented a pet friendly caravan for the week and to be fair our little Dawson is loving every...
That made me laugh your comment.My mum always called me Dave but if she was angry she reverted from cockney to her original Newburyish accent and...
In human terms ...the blonde out of Abba. She's got what it takes!!!
riding a unicycle on the walk whistling the theme from star wars probably didn't help!!!
Get a Lab mate it's far easier than chatting.I was extremely fortunate 22 years ago when I met someone who accepted me for who I was...... Used to...
Oddly my wife has attracted a lot of male attention when carrying Dawson so could've give me an excuse to go down there myself!!! If I did I'd be...
I'm sad now!!!! Just thinking sultry Summer Evenngs unnatached and waggy tailed pup then disco!!!!!
We've been taking Dawson out for a few days now and one thing has struck me...the amount of pretty young ladies that want to stop and have five...
Well what a day! We went to Paper Mill on the Chelmer Blackwater Canal and had a drink.Dawson was a very reluctant puppy and was very...
Thank you and today little man goes to Paper Mill where lots of Labs reside and obediantly sit by their mums and dad's whilst they eat large home...
So your suggesting I don't know my weights and measures!!!! you should come round here when I make home made pizza.I weigh everything out and when...
Well you know fishermen and their larger than life catches
I do a lot of fishing and a 2lb Roach is definately a fish of a lifetime as opposed to a 4.4 kg one.
Well my doggy says he'd rather eat 3 tonnes of food a day as opposed to 3kg a day.He also says he prefers Marathon bars to Snicker Bars.