OMG you just combined my two favourite hobbies! :D:D
Time to purchase some really large sunglasses
Oh goodness, what a scare. I hope both dogs get through the next few days safely x
The OH does this all the time! "Ella give it back" "ugh, she won't give it back" "um, well have you taught her what that means?" "no, but...
Tatze looks tiny!
I had the same issue with Ella. Vet notes said "appears a little itchy" at 8 weeks old. Then, at 10months old she got ringworm but the insurance...
Definitely. Ella was toilet trained at home with me but still having accidents when home with OH weeks later :rolleyes:
Can you speak to Ella's insurance company too? :D;)
It's because they carry their poo around with them! Who would have thought of that?!
I said jiggery pokery in a meeting today. There was an awful lot of silence and a room full of o_Oo_Oo_O
I can't believe it's been two years x
It's not impossible but it's not necessarily normal either. It could indicate that the teething process is causing her a bit of pain so maybe try...
Oh dear God, crazy Ella and nightmare Nathan working together :eek::eek: Honestly, I've had a chat with people at our dog club before and I said...
I don't think it actually has a huge amount to do with the fact that we enter trials. I think, for me anyway, doing some sort of formal training...
I was doing a couple of bits and pieces with Ella this evening (practising our new moves for our trial on Sunday) and the OH commented on how Ella...
You have got to get back there! Sleeping in their bed is the best ever. Wait until they're sleeping and sneak up into the bed. After you've done...
Eek, this was only our second session and BANG! Light bulb moment! She's got it! I just love the look on her face when she realises what I'm...
I just think I'm on a food strike..... I'm always hungry :(
Thanks, that's really helpful. She's giving two paws now so I'll stop rewarding one. :) Ella tends to be a little OTT when it comes to shaping....
Poor thing. I wonder if it is a bug that's working its way through?