Sounds like a wonderful situation. Having a labrador means having a relationship. You expect certain things from him, and he expects certain...
Thought I would include a pic of "Rescue" [ATTACH]
Thanks for letting us know this! It had never occurred to me, yikes!
Relax, your dog will get there. Try to enjoy their puppyhood, it really does not last that long. May seem like forever though! There is a lot...
Fantastic pictures!!! Thanks for posting those. They are so good at bonding with people. I bet if you flash forward about 70 years there will...
It could be that she is reacting because the previous owners put her in the car and sometimes took her out and other times left her in the car....
Great story and background
Like the other folks who have posted it does not look like aggression to me either. The other thing is I would not describe this behavior as...
Murphy is not a country or city dog. Something in between, maybe a semi rural suburban dog? Big yard to play in, free run of the yard and the...
Since he is in the crate all day I would suggest you crate him as little as possible while you are home and get used to the idea that he needs...
What a great looking Labrador!!! Great pictures!! Can ya tell? I just love lab pictures! I am really encouraged by the pic of her laying...
WOW! Sounds like a good dog though! Well, one thing, I doubt she could break a car window, they are pretty darn tough. Maybe pop one out though...
Well, let's put it this way: "They got skills" LOL. As you so well know, they watch everything. They probably have a sand table in the backyard...
Give it a try! We were very, very lucky. Murphy at that age was not destructive unless it was a cardboard box. With us it is a bit of "ok,...
We use "where is. . ." and a name when hunting for toys in the house. He has "blue blanket, monkey, green monkey, moose, and squirrel" Outside,...
Hmmm, he is really great, if this becomes an insurmountable problem, well, you know we would be more than. . . . LOL. Seriously, if'n it were me....
I understand your frustration and sympathize with you. One of the problems you will encounter in trying to rectify the situation is this: "This...
No need to cancel your account. As things progress you will probably want to get some advice again. Then you will have the dilemma of "if I go...
Thanks for getting back to us! So, what are you trying to train him to do? Around here, training can mean anything from simple sit, stand, lay...
How old is Sora? Let me see if I can say this in a way that you can relate to. How would you have reacted if someone had held you down as a...