Ok, I got it! A vest that says: "Do NOT Squeek at Me"
OK, don't label me a caveman or a misogynist, but. . . oh boy, here it comes! I have noticed that this "squeeky voice" thing is mostly if not...
I would be looking for a new trainer. Getting "put in her place" could result in her getting injured, severely. Sometimes I think some of this...
Murphy walks well, IF we do not hook the leash up to his flat collar. We got him a harness that has the connection point on his chest. It has...
I have been posting here for a while but just recently became a member. I am always yapping away like a doting grandfather about Murphy but have...
Hi Ski. Not sure if it is typical of SC beaches, but in NC it varies a lot. One beach allows dogs off leash from mid October to Mid April,...
LOL, so many well trained "owners". I like to use my computer from an easy chair. When Murph decides it is time to do "something" first I see...
Thanks Edz, I figured that out yesterday about needing to be a supporter, so I signed up!
We only went to the beach for two nights. We needed to check up on our condo and do some business things with the management company. The...
I it is really fun to follow others labradors and how they develop over time. It seems they truly are unique individuals. And I especially love...
I don't want to hijack this great thread (and I will post a thread with some of this in it later). But. An example of what I mean is what...
You are definitely making progress. What I like is that you are interacting with her a lot, taking her places with you. IMHO that is incredibly...
Several times a year we head to our ocean front condo in Myrtle Beach, SC. We are about to head out this afternoon. Murphy just loves going...
Very sad. But in time you will just remember all the really great things about him and it will put a smile on your face. For now though.....
I hear you! What I meant by calmly: Just walk up slowly, no fast movements. Slowly reach down, SLOWLY. His head would turn to keep it away....
Maybe an important point to remember through all of this: It will probably just pass. I was reminded of that this morning. It was time to take...
WOW! Just WOW!!!! Obviously there are huge differences in these guys. Murph had his chewing phase for sure. Wrecked his first bed, just...
I would recommend that when you put the leash on her that you ignore her, do not look at her, do not talk to her, just go about your business. I...
Obviously you were not a Labrador in any of your prior lives, rolling in dirt is GOOD!