Murphy is going to be three in October. He just keeps getting to be more and more fun to have around. One of his latest adventures was a trip to...
Murphy. He was just simply a Murphy! He is a chocolate lab with beautiful auburn tints when in sunlight. I know, he looks black in the pic,...
"Well it's not his decision to make." You sure about that? What I mean is that it is much easier to get a dog (or a person for that matter) to...
They are total "chick magnets". I am an old guy, so I am definitely not out chasing 22 year old ladies. I take Murphy for a walk now and then to...
I am thinking bleaching. Murphy is chocolate, but around the top of his head, top parts of ears he is more of a golden brown. We have REALLY...
There are some definite benefits to having a "smaller" (whatever that means) lab. Murphy is almost 3 now. He is weighing in at 45 kg. Not...
What training? If we want to call telling him "ahhh, ahhhh" when he was doing something we did not like "training", I suppose so. He is just one...
Murphy is almost 3 now. We have had him since he was 8 weeks. My wife and I are constantly talking about what a good guy he is. He gets more...
Murphy is a chocolate, you can see in his picture he is almost black...that was over a year ago. Right now, I would call his color auburn, a lot...
Murphy is just all proud of himself when he nabs a sock. We will be watching TV, and here he comes, LOOK! I got your sock! He is a real good...
Do not be at all surprised that the next time it rains and your dog gets wet you might catch a faint wiff of skunk. Years ago our Dobe got nailed...
Our Murphy says HELLO to your Murphy! Ours is a big ol' lovable slob that is so good it boggles the mind.
You sound pretty frustrated. Controlling that is going to help with your puppy. These guys sense EVERYTHING, absolutely EVERYTHING. It might...
Oh boy.... Two walks a day might be good exercise for a person, but a labrador? That is just loosening up the muscles. When they are much, much...
My lovely other half has told me that Murphy is more my dog..... She is on a field trip for her birding bunch, she left fairly early this morning...
That just reminded me of giving away the snow shovel when we moved south! They do leave very cool tracks!