Re: A very sad announcement . So very sad, she will be missed greatly :( Must have been a big shock to her family and jasper :'(
Re: Nevis I am really sorry to hear this. What a shock to you and your family. Will be thinking of you and your family. You must be devastated :(
Re: Millie is having emergency surgery tonight Only just seen this. Poor you and millie, hope she has a speedy recovery and can still see out of...
Re: Clicking joints Barleys hips click when he has a scratch. No specific diagnosis on his hips yet. They also click sometimes when he stretches.
Re: Emotional attachment Nope, he just loves it. It has been removed at the moment as he snapped at puzzle when she walked passed it the other...
Re: Emotional attachment Me and my octopus [IMG]
Barley has got an emotional attachment to a toy, out of all things. Its not just any toy, its a honking squealing purple fluffy octopus to be...
Re: Socialisation - its the little things that catch you out! Been there ;D ;D ;D ;D Neither dog battered an eye lid at the statue, well barley...
Just come back from a great holiday up north norfolk. Both dogs were well (ish) behaved. They behaved themselves on the campsite, just a few...
Well finally puzzle has come into season today, but this poses a few dilemmas :-\ Next week we are booked to go camping for 4 days. Which poses...
Re: Hormonal She is overdue her season if we are going on that she came in at 6months old, she is overdue by a month and a half so it is...
Puzzle has been very hormonal the past few days. Yesterday at training she went for a couple of dogs that sniffed her, bared teeth and growling....
Saturday i had my first walk with barley since getting back from the peak district. Armed with long line, butchers bacon offcuts, whistle and...
Puzzle has a new collar after her old one broke and she had to wear the spare collar. It rather suits her, not that it is very girly...
Re: Raw Feeding You must supervise your dog while they are eating bones, it is dangerous to leave them unsupervised when eating bones. I do not...
Re: Poor girl Barley is also pleased the lampshade has come off, he got a good battering from it
Re: Poor girl Puzzle's eye is looking much better now. Cone is now off as she is not bothered by it at all and leaves it alone. They eye is...
Re: Extendable leads - not the work of the devil :-) With the newer style ones they have a separate piece of material that you clip the extender...
Re: Poor girl the ulcer has formed from her rubbing and scratching at the eye. The itchiness has been caused by some sort of allergy causing her...