Re: Poor girl Its just a wait and see at the moment. The worse thing that could happen will be that it gets infected and she could loose the eye...
Re: How far do you let your dog range off lead ? Puzzle has her own set distance of around 10-15 on normal walks, she is uncomfortable going out...
Re: Extendable leads - not the work of the devil :-) I agree with some of your points, especially the looking rubbish and dangerous for use with...
Re: Poor girl Just got back from the vets. Puzzle has an ulcer in her left eye which is why it is so sore and causing her distress. She has been...
Re: Poor girl booked in at the vets for 9:30 tommorow morning
Re: Poor girl Nope a week to go, its been updated anyway
Re: Here we go again as soon as dad wants to get them done. Its been about 6 months since the vet decided that x-rays were the next step for...
Re: Poor girl Not as far as we are aware but that is most likely the cause. No itching just very sore eyes.
Re: Here we go again No more itching so looks like the steroid shot has done its job. His legs on the otherhand have got no better, well they...
Puzzle has got sore eyes again :( Her right one is much worse than her left. It keeps watering and is very red. It is irritating her as she keeps...
Re: This guy hiked 350 feet down a canyon. What he saw hit him like nothing before Such a heart warming story. Added the book to my kindle wish...
Re: How much does your puppy weigh? Puzzle at 12 months weighs 23kg, very light and compact little girl
Re: Not too good :( Poor harley, hope she feels better soon and more like her usual self :)
Re: Here we go again Calm has been restored. Itching has stopped, paws are basically healed just a few scabs left. Groin also has a few scabs on...
Re: Poor little soul Poor millie, barley sends sympathy licks to her as he knows what it feels like, and i send sympathy hugs to you as i know...
Re: Another season question! Just the thread i need ternaya :) Puzzle is due any time soon it is just a waiting game. Her first season lasted...
Re: Bess is lame Poor bess, hope she feels better after a few days rest :)
Re: Happy Birthday Puzzle says thank you to everyone. She enjoyed her cake, well i say enjoyed the slice she had only lasted a matter of seconds...
Re: Here we go again Nope, thats why i don't like that vet, he does not explain things at all. Said nothing about when it should kick in or...
Re: Penny being sick on holiday! :( Poor penny, hope she is better in the morning and is not sick anymore :( :(