Fab news - congratulations - bet you are really proud of her :)
Ooh do tell us what if you get it :D
No I haven’t thought anymore. I have got some cones so can do various things - going round, weaving, sending her to one and asking her to sit or...
We used to put our pup in her crate at meal times. When the crate went I put the piece of vet bed that had been in her crate in the same space....
I would lure him along with a treat over his nose to get him to go in the direction you want. Look at That and Listen to That are two of the most...
Thank you @SwampDonkey - we won’t leave it too long if we continue to be concerned. DH and I are watching her carefully. It did cross my mind...
Thank you for asking @charlie. She has declined both walks today - we will see if she wants to come out when I take Red early evening. She is also...
I have just seen and read your thread. I am so very sorry this is happening to Hunter. What a horrible worrying stressful time. :hug:
Fantastic - so happy for you :heart:
Perfect Fit - but we don’t use it anymore. Red was never a fan of her harness despite it being ‘perfect’. It never rubbed or restricted and was...
Can’t believe it’s so long since I last ‘wrote’ in Red’s log. Interesting reading my last comments: We have started going out in the garden. Red...
Yes you and Cassie will love them.
Thank you @selina27 for this. I am very interested in what people are doing with their young dogs and what they are using. I am really missing the...
Most important thing of all.
Yes her eyes say it all, don’t they?
:heart: Carbon
No I would wait a few more days if she doesn’t appear to be any pain or distress.
This photo was taken of Sky on Saturday when I was really worried about her - she looks so old and weary. Those of you who have seen other photos...
Oh @Emily_BabbelHund, I feel your pain. You are doing an amazing job with Carbon, Paul and Garfield. You can’t do it all but it must be so hard...
I am really pleased @shawnlinus that my thread has been helpful. It does go on forever :rolleyes: and it felt like forever. As I type this my big...