Do you keep them separate for periods of the day? I would advise you do and make sure all interactions are supervised. If necessary have the puppy...
I wouldn’t do option B unless your parents were prepared to keep their older dog separate for most of the time. It would be unfair to let a puppy...
Aah bless her - hope she is ok. Red goes for her spay in 2 weeks - not looking forward to it.
Could be a few things going on. Has she been kennelled before? Might be the change of food - was the protein the same? Can she eat chicken? My...
Yes it’s very upsetting.
My 16 month old gets 3 walks/runs a day. She does an hour and a quarter one first thing mostly off lead, an hour one mid day/early afternoon and a...
Unless your mother can be fully involved for all the times you are not there, then I can’t see how this could work. Your 4 long working days would...
This forum was a life line to me last year so if you are struggling, I advise to share with people on here. Every bit of encouragement can help...
Oh this is such a lovely post - thank you so much for sharing. I love your honesty. Well done to both you and Inky. :heart:
Aah how wonderful that she has coped with all that - and how wonderful that you are back on the forum - we have missed you.
Yes lots of experience from last year when we got our puppy. Our then 10 year old didn’t want to have anything to do with her. They get on fine...
I think Carbon is a great name for a black Labrador.
My puppy discovered her bark at around that age - she’s now 16 months. With her it’s an alert bark - any sounds or movement outside or unexpected...
Sky had her medication review today - she is on Rheumocam for arthritis in her front legs. She has been very stiff recently and refused a few...
Happy Birthday Stanley :cake:
Our 16 month old gets fed at 6 am and 5 pm. She has 3 kongs throughout the day. I keep 40g from her allowance for her evening walk and she has a...