I always give my two labs a kiss and cuddle last thing. Red is so sweet - she sits in her bed in a funny big puppy sit and waits for her cuddle....
Anyone who has bought something from Ruff and Tumble will get the email. I should think there’s a fair few of us with doggy robes from them -...
Have somehow missed this post - what a lovely read. Gosh this forum is fantastic :).
Yes I’ve just had the same email from Ruff and Tumble. I am tempted. However, will refrain from buying more robes but I have to say the two I...
As will I :hug:.
Aah Happy Birthday Tatze :cake:. She’s a beautiful dog :heart:.
Yes it certainly is. I never ever want to return to that dark place I was in last year. I was utterly and totally exhausted. I feel for you - it’s...
Let us know how it goes. I found being able to write on this forum how things were, very helpful. I got a lot of support and helpful tips which...
Oh it definitely will. Yes I used a lead on Red for a long time and when she was little, we would have to pop her in her crate - not for very long...
I have 2 girl Labs. The older one is 11 and the younger 15 months. Sky the older one couldn’t cope with Red the puppy for months. She wasn’t...
As others have said it is entirely up to you whether you crate or not. My 11 year old who came to us at 5 months never had a crate - I have never...
I second that :).
My youngest Labrador won’t Labrador either which surprised me as she’s from working parents. She is only interested in a ball if it’s got a treat...
@Lex, I was where you are last year. I had the additional guilt of having bought a puppy into a house with a 10 year old black Lab who just didn’t...
My puppy who is now 15 months had loads of digestive problems last year. Anything with chicken in upset her. On vets recommendation she was on...
I don’t know @selina27 but I suspect it’s the extra weight. Sky when younger was prone to putting weight on and at several times throughout her...
:cwl: Hope you have had a good night @Lex.