So despite the wee incident(s), today was better. Paul settled more quickly in the car and both dogs did better on our morning walk than the...
Yes, I could certainly give that a try. I'm really wondering what magic my back garden in Spain held for him. I even thought maybe it was that...
--DAY TWO OF BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY A MASTER-MIND TODDLER DRESSED IN A DOG SUIT-- Arrived at lovely dog-friendly hotel. Pristine, ocean view,...
Right now I'd just settle for some really good drugs? o_O :cwl: If only! Purple. Very manly color. :D
The first day on the road was really a bunch of highs and lows. I feel a bit like a wet rag that someone ran over several times with a large van,...
Nope, Kier was a PAST Tardis guest. :)
Yes, the Jazz has "Magic Seats" (yes, they really call them that) which means they flip up like theater seats in addition to flipping down like...
Ah, that's the magic of the Tardis. It is a VERY full car. Everything is under Carbon. :D
I do love this! Having had a delicious lunch at @Rosie 's, I can vouch for the fact that everyone takes a bit more so that Pongo can have his...
The pup Tardis is loaded and we took a test spin this evening. Carbon hopped right on up and thought it was very cool that he can now see out the...
He generally does quite well with other dogs. He needs to stay on lead as he doesn't have a good recall yet, so that's the biggest challenge - he...
Yes, they've been pleased with the whole UK solution all along. They know I'll keep tabs on him and I've already been sending them regular...
We're headed into Salamanca instead, to a very dog-friendly hotel across from a park. I'm going to take the boys on Brogan's favourite cathedral...
Yep, there's a Pongo/Carbon summit meeting in your (near) future! :happy:
Thanks, @Granca , for the invite! And yes, I think a photo of the loaded Tardis is definitely in order. Now I just have to go load it...:D
Last day of mad prep before our big road trip kicks off tomorrow. The car is going to be VERY full, but it's all going to fit - and I swear I...
I noticed this about my foster dog Lab, too. My Rottie always walked with his head up, Carbon's head is always down. As @Rosie said about Pongo,...
Well done, you and Coco! Ummm... you weren't alone in first reading that title with a completely different meaning. :cwl:
Oooo... that's fun! Keep us posted. Can't wait to hear how Stanley charms the pants off the agency! :)
:cwl: Not a bad idea, but a bit hard to use when driving. But we'll be fine. Carbon is the master of zen and I just keep listening to my...