Today I learned that I'm myself dog-reative after all of the issues that we've had. That's not good at all. Will be continuing LAM/LAT training,...
We had a really great session yesterday! We were out front, and Tiko's (next door neighbour)door opened..shamas went off of course..he always...
Mum says I need more food Dad picked me up and stood on the white thing on the mum says I lost weight since she stopped buying...
that's what I thought. I didn't push the issue. He was sitting quietly, so I gave him treats for that much, and we moved on. I got to put his...
Mum's training again----we all know what that means CHICKEEEN! I'm gonna be very good and look at her lots of times :D
You know those people with friendly dogs who assume that yours just needs socialising? There's one of those in my neighbourhood who's determined...
So we're definitely going to have to nail LAT/LAM at home before trying it out on the sidewak lol. I couldn't even get him to look at me, sitting... doesn't have that one, but I found this one...
I'm starting this training thread seperate from my general training thread, because it's a completely different challenge for me. I'm hoping that...
Yes! Finaly figuring out LAT It took a cup of fresh-cooked chicken, and two smokes out front to nail it. while I stood leaned against the van, I...
Thanks. That was the issue witht he last one. between treats, lead, dog, and paying attention to the world around me...I found I was dropping the...
Yes, that would help a lot. I did give my clicker to Chance's her one last shot to reduce his aggression before rehoming him out of the...
Oooooh that sounds sooo good! Better than taking foods from the trash or snaffling cat kibbles. An I LOVE cat kibbles! I like the cold place- the...
A bit reactive today. One of the neighborhood Mutts was coming downt he street,a nd Shamas has met him before..but I could tell he'd be...
I didn't know Kong can have other things in it? mine always has kibble an peanut butter together. What's Tuna?
Mum had to pologise to Cramers dad tonight cause I scared him the other day. I didn't hear them come downt he road then they surprised us on the...
I don't think have big water to splash in. all I have are buildings and hard sidewalks. Even the fields have sidewalks where I am :/...
Its scary an wet outside today Gonna sleep on the couch all day instead of letting mum walk me. Who eeds walks anyway, I can just pee on the pole...
Cupar sounds like My Shamas. we adopted him in October, and he came to us an absolute dream dog...until we tried to wlak him in the neighbourhood....
For Shamas, Whining is usually in frustration. Like when he wants to chase the cats but knows he's not allowed. Or if we're eating, and he's not...