I did get a clicker, but my timing is horrible. It's medication thing- I have delayed motor reaction time. But I can react pretty quickly when I...
Hmm, I sympathise with the A-B frustration. My son hates it when I do literally anything to make shamas behave. Whther it's a quick game, sitting...
I find that really effective when he falls behind, or on a front clip( I use "come on back")...but when he's pulling from a back clip, he's intent...
Great job Coco! Shamas cant walk by yet, but he's learning that speeding up to walk AWAY from a dog on the street gets lots of praise, rather than...
it sounds like SOmuch fun where you lot are! All I have is boring buildings an sidewalks. Sometimes mum finds trees an grass but even THEY have...
Hmmm...Shamas seems to have gotten his signals mixed. When he pulls, I stop, and he sits-thus releiving the pressure on the lead, so I move...
I got a lovely new harness! it has a front clip and a back clip and it's RED Everyone says I look SOOO handsome in red:p:cool:
I can see why you wouldn't want to teach Shake paw...it's the dog's go-to when begging eyes dont work. Or if he feels ignored. or if he just...
Oh, I got Shamas his new harness today. After much searching, we found Kurgo Journey Harness in the Outdoors section of Petsmart...they literally...
The balled fist was used in the tutorial video I found...but I use a hand facing up to ask for Shake Paw, which was why he kept giving me his paw....
thanks, I'll do that
Today we start a new phase of training- learning that we don't own the street, and people are allowed to walk down it. I'm using the Easy walk...
Strange, I seem to have that odd breed of Lab that doesn't like water. we put a tub in the back yard to try and get him in to cool down,and he...
Ugh! MEC said I could bring Shamas over and theyd bring out the harness and we could fit him to one. I was really chuffed, thinking I could get...
Do you have children? I can usually get extra stuff from my children...specially the GIRLS! I give them my best sad blinky eyes an they make funny...
Wow! if your mum is anything like MY mum then duck must be REALLY spensive I've never had duck before either...had just about every meat my...
I prefer Halti to Gentle Leader. I've used both, and Halti doesn't cause as much rubbing on the bridge of the nose. Overall, I prefer the...
That sounds like a great game to play with Shamas! I'll make up some chicken for him, and bring some kibble. I'm definitely going to have to...
Grandad came by today...we always go to interesting places with Grandad, and he brings the pack. Toby and Cloe show me how to behave, and the new...
I didn't snaffle food when I first got here...but then the hoomans forgot to keep feeding me lots of treats, so now I have to get my yummies...