Back to normal today. Chased the younger cats twice, (still an improvement, given that they like to sit and provoke him)and collecting water...
Shamas was Amazing tonight! I'm so happy with him! I didn't have to move him from collar to harness once, his pulling was negligable on the way...
Having re-read my own wording, I now understand how it could have looked that way. The interesting thing about text is that our experiences dont...
That's awesome! I'll dig up my umbillical belt, and start that today in the house, then move outside into the yard once he's figured it out. I...
Thank you for the support, it means a lot, and I felt like that comment was suggesting that I was harming Shamas. He wrenched my shoulder last...
I didn't " pick him up" by the handle-I merely took hold of it and kept walking. He was on his back legs because he was trying to lunge at the...
Thanks :) I have wanted a dog for years, and kept putting it off...always afraid that I wasn't ready, that I wouldn't have time to invest in...
Shamas had "the dream" again last night. He hasn't had it in ages, and we were glad to see it go. When we got him, Shamas had "the dream" every...
I've FINALLY found the 1 foot lead that I bought the day I got Shamas! Which means that I can start teaching him to walk beside me, instead of...
Got Shamas a nice leather collar today, and a custom tag. It's just got a cell number, and his liscence # on it. That way if he makes a run, he...
So I learned today that no matter what else I move, I should NEVER fold down Shamas' crate. He looked like he was going to cry! I had planned to...
Yesterday was a great day for Shamas :) It started with a walk at Chapters. Then, I wanted to show hubby where the dog park is. We weren't sure...
I was considering a main concern was the possibility of run-off contaminating my neighbours crops. They grow vegetables and my yard...
He only ever goes out alone for a 1 minute pee and straight in. Usually right in the morning and just before bed. I'm usually at the back door...
Thanks for that link- going to read it now. I need to address cats in the yard too- Shamas broke his collar and nearly got the neighbours cat...
Got a second harness for Shamas today. His regular harness is rubbing in behind his legs again- it's a problem we have with nearly every harness....
No, public transportation isnt animal friendly that I know of. Cabs are..but if I'm aying for a car, I'd rather just pay for gas, and ask hubby...
reset is just the thing too. His training's coming along nicely. I've not had him long- only a couple of months, and he's gone from a fearful dog...
Ok, so we have a new challenge. with the onset of warm weather (yay) shamas is guarding his new territory against intruders. Problem is, we've...
I'll try the herding, with hands. Head collar was a bad experience for him- I used it early on, and he spooked(not AT the collar, but while on...