I do need something tick preventative as just had to have a minor op due to a tick getting inside his foot. Our dog walker has confirmed she has...
To be honest i just dont think they normally look. Every time we see a different vet we get told something new. However this time it was needing...
I always buy online vets have ripped me off before with visit us prescription plus their costs.
Hiya Thankyou for that is effipro prescription only?
Hi Need some advice. Our boy was on Drontal and advocate. The vet (same place different vet) had provided us with prescriptions for Bravecto...
Really no idea. Vets didnt really have any suggestion either. Its the top of his footbetween the toes so not even the pad. He is very dippy at...
So strange Stacia even the vet looked at it and on intial inspection confirmed he would expect to find either a grass seed fully enclose or that...
Evening ! So after the lump drama last weekend (turned out to be the aftermath of an evil sucking tick) Codys foot swelled up last night and was...
He would have got it on his walk with his walker. She commented the other day she was having to brush ticks off the dogs before they latch on the...
I feel your pain. Cody will now get in the boot of my astra if i throw a treat. He won't however get out. He can as he has on a handful of...
Its all but gone. We are 100% convinced it was the aftermath of a tick feasting. We found a fully fat dead one later that night. Must have fallen...
Thanks guys. Ive applied my miracle cure cider vinegar. He is just not bothered by it. Will keep an eye on it. He has had a lump on his head...
Cody has a hard lump (feels like a testicle but is in the wrong place) to the side of his willy. Its appeared in the last day or so. Its red and...
We managed to tick off Beach (southbourne in the end) his 1st time. Was hilarious he was temporarily scared of the big wet thing moving towards...
So We are going to walk The Vyne NT today and go to West wittering (the beach's we are allowed on) later this week. I'm very excited to take my...
My partner and I have a week booked off after the May day bank holiday. We were going to Sicily but finances have dictated we cancel the holiday &...
Our boy goes on group walks. Dog walker started letting him off the lead then got a scare when he disappeared off in the woods and I got a call...
Cody doesnt eat his bed but does occasionally chew (on these occasions its a huge chew and not just 1 thing). He will re-arrange his bed. We...
Me to :cwl::facepalm:
Thankyou. I've been turning my back and waiting till he gets bored. He is two. Despite being very puppybrained still.