Was waiting for her to fly off the bed :eek: So lovely :)
I really feel for you. I haven't had the puppy stage, just a large teenager (got him at 14 months now nearly 19 months) He has had to be left by...
Our dog walker started this week for our Cody. We have had him 5 months now. Until now we had been walking him in the AM, leaving him approx....
[IMG][/IMG] [IMG] Apparently nail clippers aren't scary they just need to be licked. He stayed laid on sofa and didn't even flinch. Sorry it's...
You are definitely not alone. Ours sleeps downstairs and the door to upstairs is firmly shut. I occasionally hear him yupping in his sleep (and I...
Ours gets walked anytime between 6,30 and 7am and fed about 10/15mins after we get back once feet are dry and things have been put away (purely...
I doubt you are alone. I think we probably all went through some anxiety when we got our new family members. It probably doesn't help right now...
When we got our boy at 14 months and 26k (or 28k) he was very lean and sounds exactly as you describe. 1 week into pet ownership we took him to...
Haha Cody does this if I am eating breakfast/lunch like he isnt really interested but he just needs to be able to sniff it :) (he only goes in...
He is very good. Ours gets his dinner at 7pm usually the same time as us but in a different room, which we quietly leave and close the stair gate...
Hiya, Thank you we will desensitise first I just want to ensure we had the right size so that they worked :) Charlie that would be the dream!
Cody is a very active dreamer. He woofs, twitches & his eyes sometimes open yet he is asleep. I have woken at 4am before to a yupping noise (...
Hi We need to trim Cody's claws but I've read mixed reviews over size of nail clippers that are best suited. Can anyone advise on what size they...
Did you get to the vets today? Is he ok/
Are you only letting her into the yard? Or do you actively walk her around the 3 acres (on and off lead in areas?) Perhaps a walk in a different...
Thankfully Cody appears to be losing less fur at the moment but for the last few weeks its been everywhere. My dyson hoover brush turned up...
On cleaning them with a solution they should clean up. When the vet gave us a cleaner it was very messy. we had only had our boy a week, put this...
I was a no dogs on the sofa person for all of 2 days. I had high hopes. Childhood dogs were never allowed on the furniture, though one had her...
We got our dog at 14 months. He didn't appear to have been walked much (instead he was left taken to a dog park on Saturdays), pulled a lot and...
hey & welcome your last comment made me smile :) I was dragged down a hill and landed flat on my back at an 18 year olds feet just 3 weeks ago...